Student Organizations Handbook
Student Organization Handbook
Welcome Student Organization Member!
Dear Student,
Mid-Plains Community College recognizes the unique benefits of student involvement in campus and community activities. Being involved in a student organization can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only can you enhance your skills and abilities, but you can also meet new people and make a difference in the lives of others. Many of the activities and events in which you participate can help develop leadership skills and prepare you for success beyond Mid-Plains Community College.
All organization members are student leaders! Being a student leader involves both responsibilities and opportunities. As you represent your organization through its activities and events, remember you are also representing Mid-Plains Community College. In this Student Organization Handbook, there are guidelines and expectations that the Student Life Office and Mid-Plains Community College have for student organizations and student leaders.
Please pay careful attention to the information provided. We hope you will find your involvement to be a worthwhile experience that helps you grow as an individual. As a student leader, take some time to learn and gain new understanding from your experiences. If you ever have any questions or need advice or guidance, please visit with the Student Life Office staff. We are here to help!
Brian Obert, Dean of Student Life
Jason Osmotherly, Associate Dean of Student Life
MPCC Recognized Student Organization/Club Sport Definitions
Recognized Student Organization: This status is granted to student groups that have completed the necessary steps to be recognized by MPCC. A one-time deposit of $800 is issued into the student organization account. When in 'Active' status, these organizations are entitled to the privileges of a Recognized Student Organization / Club Sport.
Recognized Club Sport: This designation is for groups that have fulfilled the requirements to be recognized as a club sport. They have access to an annual budget of $6,000. When in 'Active' status, they may also enjoy the privileges of a Recognized Student Organization / Club Sport
MPCC Student Organization/Club Sport Status Definitions
- Active - An organization is designated as 'Active' when it has successfully fulfilled the annual requirements to maintain its recognition status. Once the criteria have been met, the student organization or club sport is considered 'Active' and is entitled to the privileges of recognized student organizations or club sports.
- Inactive – A student organization or club sport is classified as 'Inactive' if it has not met the annual requirements to maintain its recognition status. While in this status, the organization does not enjoy the privileges of recognized student organizations or club sports. To regain 'Active' status, the organization must complete the annual requirements for recognition.
- Dissolved – MPCC may choose to 'Dissolve' a student organization or club sport under certain circumstances. These include if the organization has been inactive for the past two years, if the membership of the organization requests dissolution, or if the organization is found responsible for multiple violations of the Student Organizations Handbook. If such a group wishes to regain recognized student organization status, it will need to complete the Steps to Student Organization or Club Sport Recognition process.
Steps for Recognition of a New MPCC Student Organization/Club Sport
A student organization / club sport must complete steps to be recognized on any MPCC Campus.
- Register as a Temporary Organization. Set up a meeting with your campus Dean of Student Life. At the meeting, you will:
- Be asked to share name, student ID, contact information and a rough draft of the proposed organizations constitution or by-laws. If the recognized student organization / club sport is affiliated with a national or regional organization, a copy of the national/regional constitution or by-laws must be submitted at this time.
- Begin your 30-day period as a temporary student organization / club sport to complete the recognition process. Benefits of temporary status:
- May host up to three student organization / club sport membership recruiting events as a temporary organization. These events are limited to currently registered MPCC students. Student organization / club sport membership criteria must align with the MPCC Policy on Non-discrimination.
- Use of the name Mid-Plains Community College
- Use of Mid-Plains Community College phones, mail service and staff support
Advisor - Your potential advisor will be required to meet with the Dean or Associate Dean of Student Life and the Assistant Director for Multicultural Leadership and Engagement to discuss Responsibilities of the Student Organization Advisor and review the Student Organization Handbook. If the potential advisor agrees to abide by these terms and meets advisor criteria, then they may be approved as an advisor.
- Membership - At a minimum, there must be at least one Member in Good Standing for each Officer or Appointed position listed in the constitution or by-laws in order to be recommended for recognized student organization / club sport status.
Constitution - Schedule a meeting with potential members and your advisor to refine your rough draft of the constitution or by-laws. Once completed, it will need to be approved by the Dean of Student Life to make final decision of its status. An example of a constitution may be found in Appendix A.
MPCC Student Senate, MPCC Cabinet, and MPCC Board of Governors Approval– Organization members must make a presentation to MPCC Student Senate (Senate), MPCC Cabinet (Cabinet), and MPCC Board of Governors (Board), in listed order, for final approval. The presentations will require the advisor and at least one member of the organization to share the following: Name of the Organization, Purpose of the Organization, Potential Activities of the Organization. Other questions may arise from each of these groups. Changes to the Proposed Constitution may be required before moving to the next approval group.
Recognition Status - Following the presentation to Senate, Cabinet, and the Board, each will recommend “approval”, “re-evaluation”, or “disapproval” of the organization. Should all three groups recommend approval, the organization will have earned recognized student organization / club sport status.
Steps to Maintain “Active” Recognized Student Organization/Club Sport Status
The privileges of recognition may continue when recognized student organizations / club sports complete the following steps.
- Complete and submit student organization / club sport membership roster each fall and within 10 days of any election.
- A minimum of one student organization / club sport officer and one organization advisor will attend a student organization / club sport leaders training session in the fall semester.
- Maintain a positive balance in the student organization / club sport’s financial account.
- Abide by Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Student Organization / Club Sports
- Abide by the approved constitution or by-laws.
- When requested the organization must amend its constitution or by-laws to reflect current Mid-Plains Community College policies and local, state, and federal laws.
- When the constitution or by-laws are revised, submit revised constitution or by-laws to the Dean of Student Life for review and approval.
- Abide by Mid-Plains Community College policies, and local, state, and federal laws.
- “Active” status expires August 1 of each year.
Conditions for Withdrawal of Recognition Status of Student Organization/Club Sport
- The process of withdrawing an organization / club sports recognition may begin when it has ceased to function as evidenced by any of the following:
- Notice of dissolution from officer and /or advisor.
- No meetings held over a two-year period.
- No current roster of officers or members has been submitted over a two-year period.
- Failure to correct a negative balance in the student organization / club sports Mid-Plains Community College account within two months of being notified of the condition.
- Failure to abide by Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Student Organization / Club Sports.
- Failure to regularly respond to mail, e-mail, or other communication requests by the Student Life Office.
- Prior to withdrawal of recognition, the group will be warned, given the opportunity to take corrective steps, and be allowed to speak on their behalf before the Dean of Student Life or the Associate Dean of Student Life.
- The MPCC Vice President of Student Services may suspend an organization’s official recognition whenever any of the conditions listed in paragraph 1) above occur or when the rules and policies of Mid-Plains Community College are violated.
Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Student Organization/Club Sports
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organizations / club sports as Members in Good Standing:
- Enrolled as a full fee-paying student (at least six credits) by the tenth day of each semester and continuation as a full fee-paying student throughout the academic term.
- Must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- May not be disqualified or suspended from Mid-Plains Community College.
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organizations / club sports as an Officer or Appointed Official:
- Currently be a member in good standing.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organization activities of an intercollegiate nature such as: debates; regional, national, student fraternal, or organizational conferences; competitions; workshops; clinics; or other events that take place outside the MPCC service area.
- Be a member in good standing during the time of the activity.
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organizations / club sports as Members in Good Standing:
- Enrolled as a full fee-paying student (at least six credits) by the tenth day of each semester and continuation as a full fee-paying student throughout the academic term.
- Must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- May not be disqualified or suspended from Mid-Plains Community College.
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organizations / club sports as an Officer or Appointed Official:
- Currently be a member in good standing.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- The following standards must be met in order to participate in student organization activities of an intercollegiate nature such as: debates; regional, national, student fraternal, or organizational conferences; competitions; workshops; clinics; or other events that take place outside the MPCC service area.
- Be a member in good standing during the time of the activity.
Privileges of Active Recognized Student Organization/Club Sport
Active Recognized Student Organizations / Club Sports have access to the following priviliges:
- Use of MPCC marketing, MPCC Student Life Instagram account, and communication support.
- Access to MPCC Official envelopes, letterhead, and bulk mailing privileges.
- Student organization / club sport will be charged for mailings.
- The student organization / club sports name must be written above or below the return address.
- Use of a student organization / club sport financial account through the Student Life Office.
- Student organizations / club sports may not have off-campus accounts.
- Student organizations / club sports not in compliance may be suspended until compliance is verified.
- Requesting funds for student organization (club sports are not eligible) activities or events through Student Senate. NOTE: Requests are not always funded.
- Host club or organizational events.
- Free use of meeting, conference rooms, and academic space when such space is available. All requests must comply with the Designated Public Forum Space Requirement Procedure.
- Use of the name “Mid-Plains Community College”.
- Ability to fundraise and solicit funds on campus for your student organization / club sport.
- MPCC Public Information department assistance in issuing press releases and/or public service announcements.
- Student Life will print up to 100 copies per year for each organization at no charge. Two business days must be allowed for a printing request. Copies made in excess of 100 per semester will be charged to the organization at a rate of current MPCC cost center charges at the end of each semester. Photocopying totals will be reset at the beginning of each semester. Unused copies will not carry over into the next semester.
- Food at Organization Meetings and Events
- Fresh Ideas is available to provide a variety of meals or snacks for meetings and events of student organizations / club sport functions.
- Bringing Non-Fresh Ideas food on to Campus
- Many student organizations / club sports find that providing refreshments at meetings increases attendance; however, many organization budgets are limited.
- Requests for food at events should be approved prior to purchasing. Reimbursement for food purchase requires an approved event request. NOTE: These may take 60 days to complete.
- Purchases must be completed in accordance with policies as stated in the college employee handbook. An itemized receipt must be maintained for reimbursement. Taxes are not reimbursable.
- Use of College vehicles for travel to and from approved student organization / club sport events or activities.
- Mileage charges will be part of the cost to the student organization / club sport.
- A vehicle request form must be submitted by the eligible MPCC employee driving the vehicle for the event or activity. College employee is expected to follow procedure as set by the employee handbook.
Student Organization/Club Sports Social Media Terms and Conditions
The McCook Community College and North Platte Community College Instagram accounts enable you to promote student organizations, club sports, and student life events. It's important to keep in mind that followers will include the MPCC institutional account, peers and prospective students, peer institutions, community members, parents, and instructors.
Before being granted access to either the MCC or NPCC Student Life Instagram account, you'll need to review the following account content guidelines.
- All content distributed on behalf of the NPCC or MCC Student Life accounts are a direct representation of Mid-Plains Community College, as well as of yourself. Your management of the account is an opportunity to enhance others' understanding and perception of the student life experience.
- Take all necessary precautions in crafting appropriate content. All posts are monitored closely by the Marketing and Public Information office. Remember: screenshots are forever.
- If the meaning of your post isn’t explicitly relevant to much of the MPCC community, it may be more appropriate for your personal account. Avoid content that could be taken out of context, as well as inside jokes or situational posts.
- We ask that you be mindful of posting patterns and avoid over-sharing, socially unacceptable language (ALL CAPS), and innuendo (sexual or otherwise). Additionally, you should make sure your posts do not contain grammatical or spelling errors.
- Post high-quality images of campus, student events, students, etc. But avoid selfies and heavy use of stock images, as this content will not be relatable to students. Imagery must be appropriate and relevant to content being posted on the respective account.
- Use discretion when promoting events, issues, and yourself. Maintain an appropriate balance of both individual and cause-related content.
- Absolutely NO mean-spirited or demeaning content, vulgarity, racial slurs, trolling, or combative or taunting language will be tolerated. This includes references to drinking, alcohol, parties, and drug use.
- We require that you refrain from offering political views, promoting partisan affiliations, or expressing opinions that could be viewed as endorsements on behalf of Mid-Plains Community College.
- Each Instagram account is an official communication channel of Mid-Plains Community College. Reminder: You are not an official spokesperson for MPCC, you may not post any content that could be interpreted as speaking on behalf of the institution.
The college social media team monitors and has the ability to moderate all content on this account. Content found in violation of this agreement will be deleted. Consistent misinformation, inappropriate usage of imagery, posts that are considered damaging or harmful to the institution’s image or dormant or inactivity on the account will result in account deactivation.
If you have questions regarding if content is appropriate, do not post it.
Recognized Student Organization/Club Sport Prohibitions
- Student organization / club sport funds may not be used to purchase alcohol. Alcohol is not permitted at any student organization / club sport event of activity.
- Violate Federal, State, or Local Laws
- Nebraska State or U.S. federal law is also a violation of College policy. The College reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and wellbeing of the campus community. Such action may include pursuing disciplinary action for any violation of Federal, State, or Local Law — on or off campus — that affects the College’s educational interests. Students may be accountable both to civil authorities and to the College for acts that constitute violations of law and of the MPCC Code of Conduct.
- Disciplinary action at the College will normally proceed during the pendency of criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the ground that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.
Student Organizations Soliciting and Sales Policies
- Soliciting of any kind and selling of merchandise on campus is not permitted. Violators are subject to eviction from College property and/or disciplinary action.
- Students, staff, faculty, and registered campus organizations / club sports may solicit or sell merchandise for charitable causes in specific locations on campus, in campus buildings, and in residence halls.
- The College official responsible for the area where the solicitation will occur is the individual authorized to give permission. Note: Permission must be obtained from the campus Dean of Student Life for canvassing or soliciting for sales or gifts by people not affiliated with the College.
- The selling of homemade foods (i.e., bake sales), except under conditions established by the Nebraska Board of Health, is not permitted. Homemade foods must be labeled as such when sold.
- MPCC food service provider, Fresh Ideas, has first right-of-refusal catering rights for student organization / club sport on-campus events.
Funding Request Procedure for Events and Extracurricular Activities
- Student senate has funds allocated to support student organization events and activities. Student organizations may request funds that: educate the campus community, create opportunities for student involvement in community service, or offer student organization members academic, professional, or leadership development.
- Student organizations must submit a complete student organization funding request form to student senate, the student senate advisor, and the assistant director for multicultural leadership and engagement at least 15 days prior to the Student Senate meeting in which they want to present their request. NOTE: Student senate generally meets the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month throughout the semester.
- Request for funding presentations to the student senate must be done by student organizations members.
- Advisors may be present for the presentation but are encouraged to be there in a supportive role.
- The presentation should be kept to 5 minutes.
- Computer presentations are not permitted. Handouts that help to illustrate the proposal are encouraged, but not required.
- If the student organization is requesting funds to Attend an Off-campus Event:
- The proposed off-campus event must create an opportunity for education, community service, or personal development of MPCC students.
- One student organization advisor must be in attendance at the off-campus event. In the proposal, student life funds must be requested to cover the costs for the advisor’s costs to the off-campus event. Student life will cover one advisor’s costs if the request is approved. Academic funds may not be used for student organization travel.
- If the student organization is requesting funds to Host an On-campus Event:
- The proposed event must create an opportunity for education, community service, or personal development of MPCC students.
- All event arrangements and expenditures must be completed in collaboration with the assistant director for multicultural leadership and engagement or a designated contact and the MPCC business office.
- If the student organization is requesting funds to Host a Speaker, the following criteria will be considered:
- The extent to which the speaker's intended message advances the educational mission of the College;
- The overall breadth of topics covered by speakers on campus in the year in which the speaker would speak and the prior academic year with the goal of covering a broad range of topics;
- If applicable, the academic reputation of the speaker and the quality of the speaker's academic or other published work;
- The level of student interest in having the speaker come to campus;
- The College's ability to ensure the safety of the speaker, students, and other persons;
- Any potential for damage to property; AND
- The cost of bringing the speaker to campus.
- The speaker's point of view on any issue will not be considered in deciding whether or not to bring the speaker to campus and all applicable constitutional requirements will be followed. All speaker requests will be administered in the same way.
- The student senate, the student senate advisor, or the assistant director for multicultural leadership and engagement may ask questions or request additional information before rendering a decision.
- When the request procedure has not been followed or the request does not meet the criteria for funding, the request will likely be denied.
- The student senate, the student senate advisor, or the assistant director for multicultural leadership and engagement will respond to the request, via MPCC email addresses, once a decision has been reached, generally within 2 business days, but some requests may require more time to make a decision.
- If approved, the student organization will coordinate with the student senate advisor, the business office, and the assistant director for multicultural leadership and engagement to make purchases for the conference or event from the student organization’s account. The student organization will spend money from their student organization account.
- Within one week after the event or conference the student organization is required to present receipts to the student senate advisor. The student organization’s account will be reimbursed for the amount of the receipts up to the amount approved by student senate.
- Student organizations will be required to submit an event summary and present outcomes to student senate within the next two available student senate meetings of the completion of the event for which they requested funds. Failure to do so may impact future funding requests by the organization.
- Summary should include, as appropriate: final financial summary, number of MPCC participants (names if a conference), what went well, what did not go well, learning outcomes/what was taken away from this event, etc.)
- Failure of the student organization to complete this summary will likely impact future requests for student senate funding.
Responsibilities of the Student Organization Advisor
Each student organization / club sport must have one on-campus faculty or staff advisor that is employed by the College. Advisors may be part-time with approval from their supervisor.
An advisor adds to the continuity of your organization by making sure that incoming student officers understand their responsibilities and expectations as set forth in the Student Organizations Handbook.
Advisors also aid in program development by helping student organization / club sport officers with logistical considerations and the exploration of ideas when planning events for the campus community.
Duties of the Advisor:
- To understand the requirements pertaining to student organizations as well as institutional policies governing students at Mid-Plains Community College to assure that they are met and upheld by the organization. To be aware of liability issues (i.e., hazing, alcohol, and drug uses, off campus travel, etc.) and advise the organization in making decisions that will not put the organization at jeopardy regarding these areas when planning activities.
- To attend general meetings and sponsored activities of the organization.
- To be available to the officers of the organization on a regular basis for advice and consultation.
- To work with the student life office to ensure the student organization / club sport has completed procedural requirements for official recognition and active status.
How to Work with Your Advisor:
It is best to meet with your advisor prior to general meetings to review the agenda and topics to be discussed.
Be open to suggestions and critiques from your advisor. His/her knowledge and experience will help in developing solutions and in clarifying points of confusion.
If an advisor cannot attend your meetings and activities, consider changing the dates and times or secure a secondary advisor.
Student Organization Resources
- MPCC Sample Constitution
- Student Organization Fundraising Ideas
- Courtesy and Ethics when Soliciting Area Merchants for Donations
- Student Organization Event Approval Form