Policy Statements / Student Right to Know

Acceptable Computer and Internet Usage

Mid-Plains Community College (MPCC) faculty, staff, and students are prohibited from using the Mid-Plains Community College information network to illegally download or share music, video, and all other copyrighted intellectual property. Mid-Plains Community College supports the Higher Education Opportunity Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act as well as efforts to eliminate the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Under the law, the MPCC administration may be obligated to provide copyright holders with information about users of the MPCC information network who have violated the law.

Students should be aware that illegal forms of downloading and file-sharing as well as the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, are violations of the law and may subject students not only to academic sanctions from the college but also criminal and civil penalties, including lawsuits against the students by copyright holders.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

As part of its mission, Mid-Plains Community College seeks to ensure that no person who meets the academic and technical standards requisite for admission to and continued enrollment at the college is denied benefits or subjected to discrimination solely by reason of his or her disability. Toward this end, and in compliance with federal laws, the college both accepts and provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students who have the required documentation.

Both MPCC and the student have the responsibility to work together to ensure equal educational opportunities for the student. While the college stands ready to make accommodations, it is the student's responsibility to avail him or herself of all available services.

Disabled students with special needs should contact the college campus ADA coordinator identified below. Services for students with disabilities (learning, ADD, ADHD, physical or psychological) may include special accommodations, tutoring, and counseling. With the student's written permission, the counselor can also be a liaison to instructors regarding the student's special needs. Documentation of the disability(ies) by a qualified professional must be on file with the college in order to initiate services. The college will make a good faith effort to provide effective accommodation to the student with a disability. However, it need not provide the most comprehensive or expensive accommodation requested by the student.

If assistance is needed, please email disabilityservices@mpcc.edu or contact:

Robin Rankin 
North Platte Community College-North Campus 
308-535-3637 or (800) 658-4308, Ext. 3637

Chris Turner 
North Platte Community College-South Campus
308-535-3132 or (800) 658-4308, Ext. 3132

Jacob Brandl 
McCook Community College 
308-345-8128 or (800) 658-4348, Ext. 8128

Campus Safety and Security Report

Campus security crime statistics appear on the following weblink and are made available by the Office of Research and Planning and the Office of Student Life:


For more information, contact:

MPCC Director of Institutional Research
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3684

MPCC Dean of Student Life
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(800) 658-4348, Ext. 8109

MPCC Associate Dean of Student Life
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3635

Completion / Graduation & Transfer-Out Rate for General Student Body

Graduation rate data is contained at the following weblink under Reports:


For more information:

MPCC Director of Institutional Research
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3684

Designated Public Forum Space Reservation Procedure

The MPCC President has designated Student Life to manage Designated Public Forum Space (DPFS) reservations and facilitate activities in McCook and North Platte. Community Campus Coordinators are designees to manage DPFS requests and facilitate activities in Broken Bow, Imperial, Ogallala, and Valentine. Contact information for the designees may be found at the end of this document.   

How to Make Reservations

Reserving Designated Public Forum Space on Campus

Designated Public Forum Space (DPFS), approved by the designee, is required for use of DPFS for events and activities not sponsored by MPCC departments or divisions. Designated Public Forum Spaces are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

DPFSs for Fall may be submitted on the first Monday in May at 10 am. DPFSs for Spring may be submitted on the first Monday in November at 10 am. DPFSs must be submitted at least two (2) business days prior to the start of the proposed event or activity. DPFSs may be postponed by the requestor at their request or by MPCC in the event of an emergency.   

Parties submitting Designated Public Forum Space reservation requests must schedule an Event Consultation with a designee before the DPFS may be submitted. At the consultation, the designee will request the following information:

  • Name of the Event/Activity
  • Proposed Date and Time of the Event/Activity
  • Purpose of Event/Activity
  • Description of Event/Activity
  • Name of Requestor and/or Requestor’s Organization
  • Requestor’s Contact Information
  • If Amplified Sound will be used
  • If there will be an Exhibit with the request
  • If literature will be distributed at the event/activity
  • If College-Provided Equipment (CPE) will be required

Amplified Sound

Sound is considered amplified when the noise is produced or made louder by any electronic, mechanical, or motor-powered means. Amplified sound is permitted at reserved locations unless it interferes with the normal operations of MPCC.    

College Provided Equipment (CPE) Requests

Requestors may request limited equipment from the college as part of the DPFS. This equipment is limited to 1 - 2’x4’ table, 2 – folding chairs, and 1 – A-Frame Marketing Board. The request for this equipment must be included in the DPFS. The requestor will be responsible for the pick-up and return of the requested CPE. 

Aside from the CPE, no MPCC equipment, furniture, or items may be removed from any MPCC building to be used as part of the event or activity without the written approval of the designee.

An A-frame is a temporary structure built and used to advertise events and other information about their organization. A-frames may not be larger than 2' wide by x 3' high. A-frames may be put out by the student organization no more than 12 hours before the start of their DPFS and removed no later than two (2) hours after their DPFS ends.

If CPE is not returned within two (2) hours of the end of the DPFS reservation, a bar will be placed on the future use of the CPE for that party.

Distribution of Literature

Literature distribution is permitted on campus as part of a completed DPFS. Literature is defined as any printed material that is produced in multiple copies for distribution to potential readers.

Literature may be used to advertise student organization information, promote an idea, or for a variety of other purposes. Literature may be distributed or displayed on campus in accordance with the following guidelines with an approved DPFS:

  • The literature is not distributed by hawking, shouting, or accosting individuals.
  • The literature is not a promotion for an off-campus for-profit business, organization, agency, or national association.
  • Literature that is dropped on the ground in the area where it was distributed must be picked up by the student organization.

NOTE: Promotion of off-campus, for-profit businesses, organizations, agencies, or national associations may be permitted as part of MPCC-sponsored activities (i.e., career fairs, etc.).

Literature distributed on campus must contain a disclaimer that indicates it is not official MPCC literature and does not represent the views of MPCC or its agents. The disclaimer should read:

[Name of publication] is published by [name of contact or contacts organization]. [Name of publication] is not an official publication of MPCC and does not represent the views of MPCC or its agents.


Flyers may be distributed as literature or posted with prior approval inside of buildings. Contact the designee prior to printing flyers for approval.

Event Consultation

Reserving space on campus, whether an indoor event or an outdoor event will require an Event Consultation with a Student Life Staff member or a Community Campus Coordinator. During the consultation, staff members will draw upon their knowledge of the MPCC Rules, Policies, and best practices in event planning. Event consultations may lead to referrals to other departments on campus. The Event Consultation is complete when approved by the Student Life or Community Campus Coordinator consultant.


Approved DPFSs allow the approved party to display exhibits on campus at designated locations. An exhibit is an object or a collection of objects designed for temporary display and may not be anchored into or onto the ground in any manner. Exhibits may be displayed as part of an approved DPFS, as long as they do not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic or pose a safety risk. Exhibits may be displayed from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Exhibits may not exceed a height, width, or depth of six (6) feet.

Food Distribution

The selling of homemade foods (i.e. bake sales), except under conditions established by the Nebraska Board of Health, is not permitted. Note: Fresh Ideas has first-right-of-refusal for all catered events on-campus events; plans for serving food at such events must be discussed with Fresh Ideas management and written consent obtained if Fresh Ideas declines to cater the event.

Fundraising on Campus

Fundraisers and solicitation of funds may be conducted on MPCC grounds by student organizations. Prior to collecting money or fundraising in any on-campus building, student organizations must receive approval from that facility's building manager.

Student organizations may receive donations from non-college entities; however, non-MPCC organizations may not co-sponsor activities on campus. Organizations may thank their donors through public announcements or on a program for a performance (i.e., "Special Thanks to...") but may not advertise for companies or use corporate logos.

Fundraisers may not be conducted for the private gain of individuals or for-profit businesses. Consult with Student Life staff early in the fundraising planning process to ensure compliance with applicable rules and policies.

Guest Speakers

Student organizations may present guest speakers who may make speeches, give live performances, or lead discussions in fixed indoor or outdoor locations on campus with advance approval from Student Life. A guest speaker is not a student, faculty member, or staff member.

Guest speakers may distribute literature to persons who attend the event, but not to others who have not chosen to attend the event. The guest speaker may not address potential listeners who have not chosen to attend the event. The guest speaker may not help staff a student organization's table or exhibit. Finally, guest speakers may not solicit for their off-campus business, organization, or service.

When presenting a guest speaker, the student organization must make clear that the organization, not MPCC, invited the speaker and that the views expressed by the speaker are her or his own and do not necessarily represent the views of MPCC. The student organization should make the following introductory comments:

"Tonight's event is being hosted by [name of student organization], a registered student organization. This is not an event sponsored by Mid-Plains Community College. The views expressed tonight are of the student organization/invited guest speaker and do not represent the views of the College or its officers."

Public Assemblies

The freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly are fundamental rights of all persons and are central to the mission of the College. Students, faculty, and staff have the right to assemble, to speak, and to attempt to attract the attention of others and the corresponding rights to hear the speech of others when they choose to listen and to ignore the speech of others when they choose not to listen.

However, these activities are subject to the well-established right of colleges and universities to regulate time, place, and manner so that the activities do not intrude upon or interfere with the academic programs and administrative processes of the College. The College shall not discriminate on the basis of the political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic viewpoint expressed by any person.

MPCC persons and organizations may publicly assemble on campus in any place where, at the time of the assembly, the persons assembling are permitted to be, as long as there is no disruption to other College activities.


To ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff, student organizations may be required to hire MPCC Security for on-campus events. There will be a cost per hour per security person. Student organizations may not hire private security for an on-campus event.

To arrange for MPCC security at a student organization event, contact Student Life to arrange a meeting.

Designated Public Forum Space Reservation Designee Contact Information 

McCook – Jennifer Morgan - 308-345-8138 | morganj@mpcc.edu
North Platte – Jeff Thurman – 308-535-3756 | thurmanj@mpcc.edu
Broken Bow – Kaci Johnson - 308-872-5259 | johnsonkj@mpcc.edu
Imperial - Brenda Ledall - 308-882-5972 | ledallb@mpcc.edu
Ogalalla - Mary Pierce - 308-284-9830 | piercem@mpcc.edu
Valentine - Jennifer Edson - 402-376-8033 | edsonj@mpcc.edu

Designated Public Forum Space Event Consultation Contact Information

  • McCook – Dr. Brian Obert - 308-345-8109 | obertb@mpcc.edu

  • North Platte – Jason Osmotherly – 308-535-3635 | osmotherlyj@mpcc.edu

  • Broken Bow, Imperial, Ogallala, Valentine – Dr. Brian Obert or Jason Osmotherly (see above)

Directory Information

Mid-Plains Community College designates the following items as directory information as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Directory information may be included in appropriate college directories and publications or otherwise disclosed by designated staff members unless a student files a written request with the Office of Registration & Records during the first 10 days of a given semester.

To prevent the release of information or for questions, contact Registration and Records through one of the options listed above or at reghelp@mpcc.edu.

Those items include the student's name, major field of study, dates of attendance, permanent phone number, local phone number, permanent address, local address, previous schools attended, nature of any degrees granted and dates conferred, student classification, photograph, height and weight of athletic team members, participation in officially recognized activities, honors and awards earned, and student e-mail addresses. These items will be used as the Area's Directory Information. Appropriate information may also be disclosed in cases of health or safety emergencies.

Distribution of Literature Policy

Student groups, staff members, or organizations may not distribute written material on campus without prior approval from the Dean of Student Life or designee. College Board policy prohibits the distribution of advertising materials unless the materials fulfill a legitimate purpose of the institution.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

Data and information pertaining to the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act and Drug-Free Workplace regulations are disseminated to MPCC students and employees (see Drug Free Schools and Campus Act below). For employees, in-service sessions are provided as required. Additional information is available from:

MPCC Dean of Student Life
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(800) 658-4348, Ext. 8109

MPCC Associate Dean of Student Life
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3635

Drug-Free Schools and Campus Act

In compliance with the Department of Education's (34CFR Part 86) requirements, you are hereby notified of the expected standards of conduct regarding the unlawful use of drugs or alcohol on college property or in any college-sponsored activity. In addition, this document will describe legal sanctions (local, state, and federal), health risks, available assistance, and treatment avenues, as well as college-imposed disciplinary measures.

  1. Standards of Control: The following are deemed to be misconduct and subject to disciplinary action.

    For further information please contact

    1. Alcohol Use
      1. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on a college-owned or controlled property, or at college-sponsored or supervised events.
      2. Being under the influence of alcohol on a college-owned property or at college-sponsored or supervised events.
    2. Drug Use
      1. Being under the influence of, possessing, distributing, using, or selling illegal drugs or any other controlled substance
      2. or agent having the potential of abuse, except pursuant to a physician's or dentist's prescription, or possessing paraphernalia for drug use on college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored events.
      3. Students are subject to all applicable legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law regarding unlawful possession of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions may include incarceration and or fines for those found guilty under these sanctions.
      4. The health risks of using illegal drugs and the use of alcohol are difficult to predict due to the unknown chemicals involved in these substances. The health risks may be severe and lead to permanent impairment or even death. Even occasional use or experimentation can have significant negative consequences. The diminishment of intellectual ability, personality disintegration, and long-term genetic damage are not uncommon occurrences among drug and alcohol users.
      5. Assistance is available for students seeking help for problems associated with illegal drug and alcohol use through Mid-Plains Community College counselors, local community agencies, hospitals, or private treatment facilities.
      6. The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students for violating the student code of conduct regarding illegal drugs.

MPCC Dean of Student Life
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(800) 658-4348, Ext. 8109

MPCC Associate Dean of Student Life
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3635

Educational Records & Rights of Privacy

Mid-Plains Community College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) in the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of official student records. These records are subject to inspection and review by the student (see Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act below).

Information in a student's record will not be released without the student's permission, although "directory information" (see Directory Information below) may be released. Students will have ten (10) days at the beginning of each semester during which they may notify the Registrar, that they wish to have their directory information withheld. Students submit their request by logging into their MPCC network account, and in CampusWeb, locate the FERPA Restriction electronic form found on the Student tab and submit. Once students notify the Registrar that their directory information is to be withheld, that request will be in effect (even after the student ceases to be enrolled at MPCC) until it is reversed, in writing, by the student.

To contact Registration & Records, e-mail reghelp@mpcc.edu, call (308) 345-3774, or write to:

MPCC Registrar
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001

Employment Policy

Mid-Plains Community College is an equal-opportunity employer and subscribes to an open admission policy. Employee grievance procedures are located in the Employee Handbook. It is Mid-Plains Community College's policy not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, age, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, or veteran status in its educational programs, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid, or other school-administered programs. These policies are enforced by federal law under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Inquiries regarding compliance efforts or complaints of acts of discrimination or sexual harassment involving employees should be directed to Human Resource Department

Mid-Plains Community College-North Campus
1101 Halligan Dr.
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 535-3679 or toll free (800) 658-4308, Ext. 3679.


Inquiries involving students should be directed to

Dean of Student Life
Mid-Plains Community College
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(308) 345-8109, or toll free (800) 658-4348, Ext. 8109

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records is maintained by the school within 45 days of the day the college receives a request for access. The student should submit to the Registrar, Dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate officials, a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The college official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the college official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the college to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the college official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the part of the record they want to be changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the college will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her task. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Mid-Plains Community College Area to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Financial Record Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy conforms to the final privacy rule published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as required by Section 504(a) of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the GLB Act), with respect to financial institutions and other persons under the FTC's jurisdiction. Under provisions of the GLB Act, MPCC as a provider of financial services which include student loans and collection agency services is required to disclose to all of its customers its privacy policies and practices with respect to information sharing with both affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties. The GLB Act also limits the instances in which a financial institution may disclose nonpublic personal information about a consumer to nonaffiliated third parties.

This notice uses the term "Non-public personal information." This means personal information that identifies a student and that is not available from public sources.

General Educational Development Testing Availability

Information regarding GED Testing is contained in the "Instructional Services" section of this current catalog. Additional information can be secured from the following individuals:

MPCC Test Center Coordinator
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3618

Information and Data Related to Athletic Programs

Completion or graduation rates for MPCC student-athletes are made available in this section of the catalog and are also available from the MPCC Office of Research and Planning.

Athletic revenue and expense information, participation rates, and financial support data are available from the following individuals or their designee:

MPCC Director of Accounting
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3676

MPCC Director of Institutional Research
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3684

MCC Director of Athletics
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(800) 658-4348, Ext. 8146

NPCC Director of Athletics
601 West State Farm Road
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3758

Job Placement Substantiation Information

Job placement data is disseminated by:

MPCC Director of Institutional Effectiveness,
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3684

Jury Duty Policy

MPCC recognizes the importance of the judicial process and the part its students play in this system. Students called for jury duty will be excused from class. Students should notify their instructors and be able to show proof of jury duty. All coursework missed during this time must be made up.

Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy

MPCC adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws banning discrimination in public institutions of higher education. For more information regarding MPCC's non-discrimination policy please go to the following link: http://www.mpcc.edu/about/non-discrimination-policy.php

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Director of Human Resources
Mid-Plains Community College-North Campus
1101 Halligan Dr.
North Platte, NE 69101
308-535-3679 or toll-free 800-658-4308, Ext. 3679

Inquiries involving students should be directed to the Campus Dean of Student Life.

Dean of Student Life
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
308-345-8109, or toll-free 800-658-4348, Ext. 8109

Associate Dean of Student Life
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
308-535-3635 or toll-free 800-658-4308, Ext. 3635

If you have a disability and require an accommodation while attending Mid-Plains Community College, please contact:

Robin Rankin
North Platte North Campus
308-535-3637 or 800-658-4308, Ext. 3637

Chris Turner
North Platte South Campus
308-535-3715 or 800-658-4308, Ext. 3715

Jacob Brandl
McCook Community College
308-345-8128 or 800-658-4348, Ext. 8128
brandlj@mpcc.edu  or disabilityservices@mpcc.edu

Notice of Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy of your personal information is important to us at MPCC. We respect your right to privacy and recognize our obligation to keep information about you secure and confidential. We do not sell or share information about you with outside marketers.

MPCC's Privacy Statement may be revised from time to time as necessary to reflect changes in the law or MPCC's policies. As changes are made, MPCC will notify students of the changes. To view the current MPCC Privacy Policy go to the following link: http://www.mpcc.edu/about/privacy-policy.php

Policy Expectations Regarding Unethical Relationships*

MPCC reserves the right to impose any level of sanction, ranging from a reprimand up to and including suspension or expulsion/termination, for any offense under this policy. The most serious offenses are likely to result in suspension/expulsion/termination, where warranted.  There are inherent risks in any romantic or sexual relationship between individuals in unequal positions such as faculty and student, supervisor, and employee. These relationships may be less consensual than perceived by the individual whose position confers power. The relationship also may be viewed in different ways by each of the parties, particularly in retrospect. Furthermore, circumstances may change, and conduct that was previously welcome may become unwelcome. Even when both parties have consented at the outset to a romantic or sexual involvement, this past consent may not remove grounds for a later charge of a violation of applicable sections of this policy. The College does not wish to interfere with private choices regarding personal relationships when these relationships do not interfere with the goals and policies of the College. For the personal protection of members of this community, relationships in which power differentials are inherent (faculty-student, staff-student, administrator-student) are generally discouraged.

Consensual romantic or sexual relationships in which one party maintains a direct supervisory or evaluative role over the other party are unethical. Therefore, persons with direct supervisory or evaluative responsibilities who are involved in such relationships must bring those relationships to the timely attention of their supervisor, and this will likely result in the necessity to remove the employee from the supervisory or evaluative responsibilities or shift a party out of being supervised or evaluated by someone with whom they have established a consensual relationship. This includes RAs and students over whom they have direct responsibility. Please see the Board of Governors Nepotism Policy for information on relationships that are prohibited by this policy, failure to self-report such relationships to a supervisor as required can result in disciplinary action for an employee.

MPCC reserves the right to impose any level of sanction, ranging from a reprimand up to and including suspension or expulsion/termination, for any offense under this policy.

*The state definition of consent which is applicable to criminal prosecutions for sex offenses in Nebraska may differ from the definition used on campus to address policy violations. Included for Clery/VAWA Sec. 304 compliance purposes.

For further information go to the Equity Grievance Procedure or contact humanresources@mpcc.edu

Policy on Sexual Harassment of Students

Mid-Plains Community College believes that sexual harassment of students is a prohibited form of discrimination. Therefore, Mid-Plains Community College is committed to the belief that sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated nor condoned.

For more information on MPCC Board Policy #5371 on Sexual Harassment of Students, go to Equity Grievance Procedure.

Project Liability Limitations

Mid-Plains Community College accepts no responsibility for privately owned materials, components, assemblies, appliances, equipment, or vehicles accepted into the labs and shops for project work. The element of risk involved in fabrication, repair, and reconditioning is even more probable in a learning situation. Before a project is considered, it must be understood that neither staff nor students are liable for damage or loss caused by fire, theft, vandalism, accident, or any other cause. 

Student Activation to Active Duty Process

When MPCC students are called to active duty in any branch of the U.S. military or national guard, our goal is to assist the service members’ transition out of MPCC with as little financial or academic penalty as possible.

For further information please contact

MPCC Dean of Student Life
1205 East Third Street
McCook, NE 69001
(800) 658-4348, Ext. 8109

MPCC Associate Dean of Student Life
1101 Halligan Drive
North Platte, NE 69101
(800) 658-4308, Ext. 3635

For more information visit the MPCC website at: http://www.mpcc.edu/cost-and-aid/aid-for-veterans.php

Tobacco-Free Campus

Mid-Plains Community College Board of Governors passed a Tobacco-Free Campus policy (#7300) which became effective on January 1, 2010. To protect public health and the environment, this policy prohibits the use of all forms of tobacco on all MPCC-owned or leased property, including residence halls and vehicles. We are committed to a healthy work and study environment that is supportive of employees, students, and visitors. Thank you for your compliance with the MPCC Tobacco-Free policy.

For more information on Tobacco-Free College go to the following link: http://www.mpcc.edu/about/tobacco-free-campus-policy.php

Waiver of Liability

Mid-Plains Community College is not liable for damage, theft, or loss of personal property. Students are advised to review their family insurance policy for coverage.