Residence Life Handbook

Welcome to MPCC Residence Life

Welcome to Mid-Plains Community College Residence Life. We believe that your residence hall experience should provide you with an opportunity to expand your horizons. This home away from home will allow you to interact with students from different cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. We encourage you to make the most of this opportunity.

Mid-Plains Community College operates several co-educational housing units. The housing program enhances students’ educational experiences. The average time students spend in housing is likely to be more than one-third of their time on campus and the experience of residing in college housing will be extremely valuable. Students will be provided a wealth of opportunities to gain an understanding and appreciation of people, enjoy a varied social life, and continue to develop as mature adults.

There will be activities on campus to help you quickly connect with other students. Your Resident Assistant will invite you to help plan and participate in residence hall activities that are social and educational to enhance your college experience. We encourage you to participate and take advantage of the opportunities provided. Residence hall procedures, guidelines, and policies are described in the pages that follow to help you define your role as a member of the residence hall community.

Have a great year and welcome home!

Dr. Brian Obert

Dean of Student Life

Jason Osmotherly

Associate Dean of Student Life

Important Emergency Phone Numbers

Ambulance Emergency                       911
Fire Emergency                                   911
Police Emergency                                911
Suicide Prevention Hotline                 988
Poison Control Center                         800-642-9999

McCook Community College
Director of Residence Life                                                    308-345-8177
Police Non-Emergency                                                         308-345-3450
Community Hospital                                                             308-344-2650
Domestic Abuse/Sexual Assault Services Crisis Line            877-345-5534    

North Platte Community College
Assistant Director of Residence Life                                     308-530-7795
Police Non-Emergency                                                         308-535-6789    
Great Plains Health (Hospital)                                              308-696-8000    
Rape/Domestic Abuse Program                                            308-534-3495


Assistant Director of Residence Life

Assistant Directors are available to assist students with applying to housing and other administrative responsibilities regarding Residence Life. They are available to help all students with their housing concerns and/or additional problems.

MCC - Assistant Director of Residence Life

Genevieve Hopkinson - 308-345-8177

NPCC - Assistant Director of Residence Life

Kade Erickson - 308-535-3762

Coordinator of Residence Life

Coordinators assist with safety training, supervising RAs, and organizing special Student Life activities.

MCC Residence Life Assistants – 308-345-8158 

NPCC Residence Life Assistants - 308-530-3760

Residence Life Assistants

Resident Life Assistants (RLAs) assist with the safety and security of MPCC housing and implementing special Student Life activities.

MCC Residence Life Assistants – 308-345-8158 

NPCC Residence Life Assistants - 308-530-3760

Resident Assistants

Resident Assistants (RAs) are students who help provide fellow students in college housing a safe and positive environment. Students interested in becoming RAs may apply for future employment during the Spring semester for the following college year.


Room Assignments

Room/housing unit assignments are available to all students without regard to race, color, creed, ancestry, religion, gender, age, national origin, military veteran status, disability, marital status, genetic information and testing, family and medical leave, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression, pregnancy, or as defined by law in employment, admission, scholarship, and financial aid programs, or operation of its educational programs and activities. Students will be assigned a room in housing on a first-received basis. Assignments are made in the order housing applications and the damage deposit payments are received in the Office of Student Life.

MPCC students must be 17 years old or older to be assigned to MPCC housing. Approval for students younger than 17 will require parent/guardian and VP approval.

Single rooms can be requested if available and only on a first-come, first-serve basis. Single rooms will not be assigned until after the second week of class. 

The college reserves the right to reassign students based on what is best for the residents and the college.


Upon housing check-in, the Residence Life staff may issue each student a room key, a mailbox key, a room inventory sheet, and any incomplete paperwork. Residents will need to sign a form agreeing to read and abide by the policies of the Residence Life handbook.

By completing the inventory sheet, room contents and room conditions are noted. Charges for missing item(s) or damage caused by previous occupants will not be assessed as long as they are noted on the inventory sheet. The inventory sheet must be returned to Residence Life staff on move-in day.

All About Roommates

Roommate Bill of Rights

  • The right to read and study free from unreasonable noise and distractions.
  • The right to sleep without disturbance from unreasonable noise, guest of roommate, etc.
  • The right to expect roommate’s respect for personal belongings.
  • The right to freely access the room without pressure from a roommate.
  • The right to personal privacy, proportionate use of the shared living space, and freedom from unwanted guests in your room..
  • The right to address grievances (staff members are available for assistance in resolving conflicts).
  • The right to be free from fear of intimidations, physical and/or sexual harassment.
  • The right to a clean environment.
  • The right to reasonable quiet space in which to live, sleep, and study.

Helpful Hints to Make it Work


The key to a successful relationship with your roommate is communication. Sit down and talk about habits, preferences, moods, and values. Even if your roommate is your “best friend,” you will be surprised to find out some things you did not know about him/ her. If something is bothering you, the sooner you talk about it, the sooner it can be resolved.


Everyone has those days when everything seems to go wrong and bad moods are a result. Try to be understanding and help one another through the hard times. Making it through the rough days builds stronger friendships.

Establish "House" Rules

To avoid misunderstandings, it’s important to establish ground rules regarding each other’s belongings, room cleaning (it’s a wide spectrum between neat-freak and total slob), phone use, and visitation. You will know where each other stands on these matters and everything will work smoother.

Give Each Other Some Space

Togetherness is great, but you can have too much of a good thing. Consider your roommate’s need for time alone and establish your own solitude time also. You and your roommate are individuals, with particular interests, opinions, and habits. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you can’t make it work. If after having talked with your roommate, you still can’t resolve the conflict; talk with an RA, an RLA, or Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life. Please keep in mind that an individual’s rights ends when exercising those rights infringes on others around. The residence halls at Mid-Plains Community College are a place of fun but also a place for study. In keeping with the mission of MPCC, the residence hall must have an atmosphere conducive to academic development.

Room Assignment Change Request

Under normal circumstances, room changes are not made during the first two weeks of classes. Following that period, requests for room changes may be made to the Residence Life staff. 

The room-change procedure is for room residents to discuss possibilities and options for compromise within your residential space first, RA second, and then Residence Life Professional Staff. In the event that no compromise can be met and the roommates are unable to resolve the issues, a room change form may be completed. The form may require all roommates' signatures and must be turned into the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life for processing. Students moving from one room to another without the permission of the Residence Life staff will incur a $125.00 improper room change fee.

Room Consolidation

Room consolidation occurs when one student is left in a double-occupancy room by themselves. The college reserves the right to fill beds and to require students to consolidate for optimum space utilization, to resolve roommate conflicts or situations that are not suitable for the assigned roommates.

Students in a room with open space(s) will be notified of their options. One of the options offered must be accepted within one business day of the notification.  Options may include:

  1. Keep the room as a single and pay the difference between a single and double.
  2. In coordination with Residence Life staff, student obtains a new roommate by moving into another room or having another resident move.

Termination of Housing Contract

In the event your housing contract is terminated for any reason prior to the scheduled termination date specified in the contract, current and remaining charges will follow the established refund policy as published on the website.

Door Access

Each student is provided access to his/her room. Rooms should be locked when unoccupied. Assigned keys are to remain in your possession and are not to be given to anyone.

Keys may NOT be duplicated. If a key is lost or misplaced, contact Residence Life staff immediately. They will issue a replacement key.

Fines will be charged for replacement of a broken, bent, or lost ID Card.

Replacement Key Charges:

MCC - Mail Box Key - $25

NPCC South Campus – Mail Box Key - $25

NPCC North Campus - Room Key - $25, Mail Box Key - $25

Semester Breaks and Summer Housing

College housing will close any time there are no classes for five (5) consecutive days.  Housing accommodations during college break periods may be arranged with the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life in advance.  Housing during breaks may be provided during Thanksgiving Break and Spring Break.  No additional charge for staying over Thanksgiving or Spring Break but no meals will be served.  The student must have a contract to stay.

If students attended MPCC during the Spring semester and are registered for the Fall semester, they are not required to be enrolled in Summer classes to be allowed to stay in summer housing. However, please keep in mind that if an extraordinarily large number of students request summer housing which causes room availability to be tight, assignment priority will be given to those students who are enrolled for the Summer sessions. 

Room Entry and Room Search

College officials may enter a student's room when they have reason to believe the health or safety of a resident is in jeopardy, a College rule is being violated, and to inspect the property for damages. College officials may also enter your room if they have reason to believe violations of civil law are occurring. Local law enforcement officers may also enter your residence hall room in the performance of statutory duties and in accordance with legally defined procedures, search, and seizure. Mid-Plains Community College custodial or other authorized personnel may enter your room/apartment to perform custodial services, to make improvements and repairs, and provide routine maintenance services and insure that health, fire, and safety regulations are maintained. Permission of the resident to enter a room is preferred but is NOT required. After entry, no search of the room may be conducted except as outlined herein. The Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life is primarily responsible for action in an emergency, such as a threat of physical damage to persons or property. All residence hall rooms will be entered and inspected by the Residence Hall staff (Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life, Resident Life Assistant, RAs, and/or College Campus Security) for safety and security concerns the day/evening of hall closing breaks (i.e., fall break, Thanksgiving, end of the semester, January, and Spring Break). This policy does not affect regular maintenance procedures.

Except under extreme conditions, premises occupied by students and the personal possessions of students will not be searched unless authorization has been obtained. However, given “reasonable cause” of a housing rule violation, cursory searches such as opening a refrigerator, opening a closet door, or looking under a bed are allowed. In these cases, when possible and reasonable, the resident will be asked to perform these tasks.

Procedures for an authorized room search are as follows:

  1. A request will be made to the MPCC Dean or Associate Dean of Student Life, or their designee, who will decide if a search will be conducted and the proper procedures to be used.
  2. Efforts should be made to have the resident(s) at the apartment at the time of the search. If the resident(s) are not present, they must be notified of the search when practical.
  3. A total residence hall search will be made only under emergency conditions. If a total residence hall search is to be conducted, it will be approved and supervised by the MPCC Dean or Associate Dean of Student Life, or their designee. 

Personal Property

The College is not responsible for the loss of any personal property, whether the loss occurs by theft, fire, or otherwise.

Students are responsible for contacting local law enforcement if a crime has occurred, after contacting the Residence Life Professional Staff. Incidents may include:  Accident, hit and run, or theft.

Remember the following guidelines:

  • Lock room door and/or suite door when leaving the room, even for a few minutes, and also at night while sleeping.
  • Insure your personal belongings. Check with parents about insurance coverage.
  • Do not bring valuables, such as expensive jewelry, clothes, electronics, etc. If such items are brought, MPCC will not be liable for them. Guests, including guests of roommates/suitemates, should not be privy to the location of expensive items.
  • Do not store or leave large items (such as parts of vehicles, equipment, tools, etc.) in the college-provided parking areas or around the college housing units. Items left unattended will be subject to removal and may possibly be disposed of. If a large item must be left unattended outside, obtain permission from the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life and/or the Director of Physical Resources prior to bringing it to campus.
  • Protecting personal belongings is your responsibility. Residence Life staff at Mid-Plains Community College is prohibited from holding or storing personal property.
  • Security camera footage is considered property Mid-Plains Community College and is not available for students to access or request to access.
  • In the event that a crime has occurred, Mid-Plains Community College will work with local law enforcement and insurance companies. Please contact Residence Life staff if you have questions.


Established guidelines and the MPCC Code of Conduct must be followed to create and maintain a positive community. Guidelines identify acceptable behavior and hold community members accountable to each other. Responsibility for violations of Code of Conduct is divided equally between the resident(s) of a room unless evidence clearly identifies a specific individual(s) as responsible.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are every day from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. and during finals week from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the start of finals until the last final commences. Loud noises in residential living areas are prohibited.

Visitation Hours

Roommates must jointly agree upon hours visitors are allowed.

MONDAY – SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m.

In order to promote and maintain a positive, supportive, living and learning environment, Student Residence Life staff will enforce visitation hours. Visitation is not allowed curing Thanksgiving Break, final examinations, Christmas Break, and Spring Break.

Overnight Visitation

Overnight visitation is not permitted without Residence Life staff approval (See Overnight Guests Policy). 

Unauthorized non-residents are prohibited. This includes individuals dismissed from the College and/or Student Housing.

Violation of visitation policies may invoke judiciary action and/or result in dismissal from Student Housing.

Overnight Guests

Overnight guests of the same sex are permitted by special permission of Residence Life staff. Residents may host one (1) overnight guest at a time, a maximum of two (2) nights during a month. Guests in the building between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. are considered overnight guests and must be registered as overnight guests even if they were checked in as non-overnight guests prior to 1:00 a.m.

The Overnight Guest Form must be attained from Residence Life Staff, completed, and returned 24 hours prior to the stay.

  • All overnight guests must complete an Overnight Guest Form.
  • Consent and written approval of all roommate(s) is necessary for all overnight guests.
  • 24-hour notice must be provided to process the request.
  • All overnight guests must register with Residence Life staff.
  • Residents must ensure that their visitors observe college rules and regulations.
  • Residents will be responsible for all damage caused by their guest(s).

Visitor Control Procedures

To ensure the safety and security of all residents and their guests, the following guidelines should be adhered to:

  • Residents are limited to three (3) guests per visit.
  • Guests should be escorted at all times by the host resident.
  • Residents will be held fully responsible for the conduct of their guest(s).

Residents found in violation of any visitation guidelines may face judiciary actions which could include losing visitation privileges and/or eviction from Student Housing.

Group Gatherings in Public Spaces

A social gathering or meeting of five (5) or more people in a residence hall room or apartment is subject to all municipal, state, and federal laws, as well as College policies. Fire code restrictions play an important role in maintaining safety and security of guests and residents. The social gathering policy is designed to support the residence hall living and learning environment as the desire to entertain guests in your living area must be balanced with allowing and creating an environment conducive to studying, sleeping, security, and a reasonable amount of privacy of a living and learning environment.

Each resident may have only a total of three (3) guests at a time. The maximum capacity of each room (as determined by fire code) is:

Single: Up to four (4) people             Double: Up to six (6) people              General Living Area: Up to twelve (12) people

Guest limits apply to the room capacity, not to individual residents. Staff have discretionary rights to decide at any time that there are too many people in a room and to require a number of guests to leave.

During a fire alarm or other emergencies, Residenc­­­­­­­e Life staff (student and/or professional), the Police Department, and/or the Fire Department may restrict access of guests.


Treat your living area with respect and ask others to do likewise. Report all maintenance and custodial concerns to the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life as soon as possible.

All repairs to college housing will be made by MPCC maintenance departments. Requests for repairs may also be emailed to one of the following addresses:

McCook - Help Desk -

North Platte - Help Desk -

Bicycles and Motorcycles

Bicycles are to be parked in the outside racks, not inside apartments or rooms. Motorcycles are to be parked in designated parking areas only.

Disposal of Personal Trash

All residents are expected to take their personal garbage to the outside dumpsters provided. Do not leave your trash in public areas such as stairwells, lounges, laundry rooms, or resident hallways. There will be a cleaning fee assessed to the residents living in the suite or pod.

Do not dispose of food by putting it down the drains in bathrooms. This can and will cause serious damage to plumbing for the residence halls. Anyone disposing of food in this manner may be subject to the cost of the repairs to fix issues caused.

Additionally, custodians are not expected to take out your personal trash from your resident rooms. Please pick up after yourselves.

Items that are not suitable for MPCC sewer systems:

  • Dead or living fish or any reptiles
  • Feminine hygiene products (Tampons, pads, panty liners), condoms, pregnancy tests and or strips
  • Paper towels, q-tips, napkins, cotton balls, and Kleenex
  • Anything that would damage the sewer system – When in doubt, throw it in the trash can!

Personal Vehicles

All resident vehicles must be registered upon check-in or as vehicle changes occur. Upon check-in, the vehicle must have current licensing and insurance. MPCC reserves the right to ask for documentation verifying this information.  Residents are subject to college parking guidelines in:  Student Services and Resources. 

During extreme weather and cold winter months, extension cords cannot be run from an outlet (exterior or interior) across a sidewalk or driveway to a vehicle or charging destination. This presents a hazardous obstacle to employees, students, and/or guests of Mid-Plains Community College.

Snow Removal

In the event of snow, students living in housing are required to move their vehicles to designated parking areas before leaving for class or as soon as possible. General parking areas will be cleaned prior to 8:00 a.m. Housing parking lots will be cleaned thereafter.

Due to liability issues, MPCC is not responsible for removing snow in between vehicles.

Removal of Furnishings

Furnishings are not to be removed or exchanged without permission from the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life. Community furniture, such as student lounge area furnishings, are not to be moved from their location. Students choosing to move community furniture will be charged with a conduct violation sanction and fined according to the published fee schedule.


Window screens must not be removed. Climbing on the roof, using windows as entrances and exits, and scaling or rappelling outside walls is strictly prohibited. Report any window or screen damage.

Room Decorations

Residents are not allowed to paint walls, doors, ceilings, windows, or trim in student housing. No physical alterations are to be made to the housing units. Students are permitted to hang pictures and posters on the walls only. Residents will be fined for damages to walls, ceilings, and wood surfaces if care is not exercised in decorating.  

Contact Residence Life staff for approved methods for hanging room decorations.

Displays visible to the outside of the room must be approved by Residence Life staff. Students may not display any alcohol, illegal substance-related, or obscene signs, posters, lights, banners, etc. Residents may be asked to remove items found to be of an objectionable nature.


Incoming mail will be placed in the residence hall mailboxes. Students should pick up their own mail. A notice of packages too large to fit in the mailboxes will be placed in your personal mailbox. The packages can then be picked up at the Residence Life/mailroom during the posted pick-up times.

  • In the event that a package is not labeled appropriately with identifiable information, it will be returned to sender.
  • Please note that delivery times vary with mail and packaging carriers. When packages are ready for pick up, you will receive an email from Residence Life staff with details on when and where to pick it up.

Correspondents should be notified that mail should be addressed as follows:

McCook Community College

Resident’s Name Mailbox #
1205 East 3rd Street McCook, NE 69001

North Platte Community College-North

Resident’s Name Mailbox #
1101 Halligan Drive North Platte, NE 69101

North Platte Community College- South

Resident’s Name Mailbox #
601 West State Farm Road North Platte, NE 69101

Laundry/Recreation Room Facilities

Laundry and recreation rooms are provided for student use and enjoyment. Lounges provide TVs and conversation areas for student relaxation. Additionally, free washers and dryers, pool tables, and drink/candy vending machines are available for residents. Lounge furnishings are to remain in the lounge as they are deemed communal. This includes, but is not limited to, furniture, appliances, DVD players, etc.


Residents are expected to keep their rooms and apartments neat and clean. Students are encouraged to clean periodically to reduce the risk of fire hazards and to maintain a reasonable sanitation standard. Residents may be asked by the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life or their designees to clean if the room or area becomes a hazard or nuisance, if smells develop, or if garbage is overflowing. Student housing will be inspected regularly for cleanliness and maintenance/repairs. Residents are responsible for the disposal of trash and waste. Do not leave garbage for extended periods of time, such as over the weekend or for more than two days. Containers for waste disposal are available outside each building location. Vacuum cleaners are available through the Residence Life staff.

When moving out, the room must be left in approximately the same condition as it was at check-in. If the room is found to need cleaning or maintenance, charges will be assessed.

Heating and Cooling

Each apartment consists of its own heating and air conditioning unit. It is the resident’s responsibility to set the thermostat between 60-75 degrees.

  • Please do not open your windows and turn the heat up to 80 degrees.
  • Please do not have the air conditioner on with the windows open.
  • Please discuss with your roommates to agree on an appropriate temperature in the apartment.

Housing Furnishings

Housing units and/or rooms are furnished. Students must provide their own bedding/linen, pillows, blankets, wastebaskets, and kitchen utensils.

Residents may use the following electrical appliances: portable hair dryers, razors, televisions, refrigerators less than 2.5 cubic ft. and fish tanks (1) less than 5 gallons.

For safety reasons, deep fat fryers, hot plates, coffee makers, candle warmers, refrigerators larger than 2.5 cubic feet, microwaves (in McCook) and other electrical appliances are not allowed. Differences in electrical appliances allowed are attributed to the mechanical and wiring loads at residence locations.

Housing Damages

Report all damages to the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life. Residents are responsible for damages. All residents will be held jointly responsible for any damage or loss occurring during occupancy, unless the individual(s) responsible for the damage or loss admits responsibility. Items found damaged will be repaired/replaced, and residents will be billed accordingly. Damages/repairs assessed must be paid within ten (10) calendar days from the billing date. Additionally, damage/replacement charges incurred prior to the end of the academic year will be deducted from the housing deposit.  For more information about damage/replacement charges: 

The following guidelines have been established:

  • Residence Life staff inspect each room, detailing the condition prior to occupancy and noting the overall condition of the room on the inventory form.
  • Upon check-in, students review the inventory form for accuracy and signs and indicate if they agree with the condition of the room as listed on the room inventory form.
  • As students check out, they review their room inventory form with Residence Life staff. If any damages (beyond normal wear and tear) have occurred or if any furniture is missing, the resident will be charged for any repairs or for the replacement of missing furniture. If roommates fail to agree who is responsible for the damage, the repairs will be split among the roommates.
  • Inspections will be conducted with Physical Resources team after student departure.  Further damages charges may be assessed.
  • Students may appeal any damage charge to the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life.
  • Official transcripts will be delayed until settlement is made.

Common Area Damages

All furnishings, equipment, and premises will be properly cared for by each resident. Damage occurring in any common areas (lounges, bathrooms, study rooms, hallways, etc.) will be investigated. If residents responsible for damage are not identified, repair/replacement costs may be assessed to all wing, floor, or hall residents. If damage is considered malicious, a fine may be added to the cost of the repair.

Damage or loss of items in a common area will be the responsibility of all residents of the floor or hall where the damage or loss has occurred. Each resident will be responsible for the charges unless the individual item is reported or the item has been returned in good condition. Sometimes it is difficult to establish the exact time of the occurrence. All students residing in the hall or on the floor will be held responsible for the damage, whether you were actually in the building or not at the time of the occurrence. Whenever possible, we will only charge those individuals actually responsible for the damage or loss. If that cannot be determined, all residents of the area will be held financially responsible. Students will be notified as soon as possible about area charges. 

Replacement Costs

Efforts to minimize willful destruction or damage of furnishings will allow for continued quality accommodations for all residents at the lowest possible rental cost. Replacement costs will be assessed to residents in case of damage beyond normal use.

Residents are held responsible for their own living areas and are expected to report damages within 24 hours. The common damage policy is invoked for damages to public areas within student housing where individual liability cannot be determined.


Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are placed in college housing locations for fire emergencies only. If a fire extinguisher has been discharged, it must be reported to the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life immediately. If the discharge is not the result of a fire, the resident or residents involved will be charged with the cost of recharging the extinguisher.

Fire Alarms Systems and Equipment

The fire alarm system and fire-fighting equipment in college housing is in place for the protection of all residents. Tampering with fire-fighting equipment or setting off a false alarm not only makes the system ineffective, but also endangers the lives of the residents. Tampering with, removal or misuse of fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, fire evacuation route instructions, locked exterior doors, exit signs or other life safety equipment is prohibited and a violation of MPCC policy .

Fire Drills

Fire drills (announced and/or unannounced) will be held periodically during the year. All persons physically inside college housing property must evacuate the building immediately. Each resident’s cooperation is vital in helping protect all the residents of the building.

Emergency procedures are listed below. It is your responsibility to be familiar with these procedures. You are advised to take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with the nearest exits. Please remember not to use elevators during fire alarms.

In the Event of a Fire:

  1. If possible, pull the nearest fire alarm.
  2. If trapped in your room turn the window card to red so help can be sent to the room.
  3. Close doors behind you to limit the spread of fire/smoke.
  4. Assemble in a safe area away from the building by floor by room. DO NOT BLOCK FIRE EQUIPMENT ACCESS to the location of the fire. Stay out of the parking lot entrances and driving lanes for your own safety.
  5. Once safely away from fire, notify the Director/Assistant Director of Residence Life.
  6. Do not re-enter the building until a Professional Staff member declares it is safe.

Tornado Information

Tornado watches and warnings are issued by the National Weather Service. Tornado watches are generally for wide areas that are exposed to a rapidly developing threat. The time period covered will normally be several hours. Not every watch will result in severe thunderstorms or a tornado, but one may result in some part of the watch area. During a tornado watch, you should be aware of changing weather conditions and be prepared to move to a place of safety.  Should the weather look threatening, please tune to a local radio or TV station to stay abreast of the situation.

The following locations are identified as safe locations depending on where you might be located: 

Brooks Residence Hall (McCook): Lower level hallway, lower level bathrooms, south laundry room hall, or bathroom off the laundry room hall.

North Platte North Apartments: The storm shelters connected to 70s, 50s and 25s.

North Platte South Apartments: The interior halls of the 1st floor of any pod.

Safety Precautions

Stay close to the floor and cover your head with a jacket, blanket, pillow, etc., and shield yourself from flying debris. If time permits, take a flashlight and battery-powered radio when you move to a place of shelter for firsthand weather information and a source of light in case the electricity fails. Remain in a place of shelter until you hear the all-clear signal or until you are sure the tornado has passed.