Letter from the President

Dear Student,

Welcome to Mid-Plains Community College. If this is your first visit, please take a moment to peruse the information contained on these pages and see what we have to offer to you should you decide to pursue your educational goals with us.  If you’re a current student, thank you for selecting MPCC as your college choice. Our mission is transforming lives through exceptional learning opportunities for individual student success.


Our top priorities at all of our MPCC campuses revolve around “Teaching and Learning” and “Students and Student Success.” Through the Nebraska Transfer Initiative and other articulation agreements, our academic coursework will transfer toward your four-year degree. Our technical program training is built on a foundation of theory, coupled with “hands-on” experience, and taught by highly experienced teachers with “real-world” experience.

We want Mid-Plains Community College to be your choice.

We have it all.... student activities, music, theater, intercollegiate athletic teams, intramurals, modern residence halls, and great food, all in a safe environment. You’ll have a great educational experience at MPCC.

So, please take a look at our degrees, programs, and services and then contact us so that we can get you started at one of our MPCC locations.


Ryan Purdy, President